The benefits of becoming an Affiliate of SHS&S?

Are you an Organizations with a product or service that can benefit Caregivers suffering from Burnout!!!

Here is how you can support the SHS&S Organization in our efforts to end caregiver burnout! As an organization, we created an affiliate program that will allow many organizations to Become Our Affiliate (without becoming a partner).

So what does that mean to your organization and what are the benefits?

To give you an example: According to statistics, over 89% of caregivers in America suffered from burnout within the past year. And the estimated annual healthcare spending was $125-$190 billion dollars due to caregiver burnout.

How many of these 89% came through your agency that needed help with services you were unable to provide last year?

How many are coming through the front door of your organization or your website daily or weekly?

Through our Become Our Affiliate program, the benefits to both organizations, yours and mine are as follows:

Benefit to both organizations:

  • By supporting the services of one another through various forms of advertisements as affiliates, together we could help the next 89% or more of Americans needing help this year!
  • By doing so, this can bring additional clientele and recognition to both organizations, yours and mine!

The Benefit of our Affiliate Program to your Organization:

  • According to the statistics mentioned earlier, of these 89% your organization could receive $100 for EVERY INDIVIDUAL you send our way that purchases our courses through our Affiliate Program!

Again: How many are coming through the front door of your organization or your website daily or weekly?

So...What do you need to do to GET STARTED?

The very next caregiver suffering from burnout coming through your front doors or through your website…


Tell them about SHS&S, give them a link to our website with a little about the many services we provide AND WE WILL DO THE REST!


Your support in helping us get the word out about the services of the SHS&S Organization, together we can bring something unique to the table to an underserved people, at a desperate time in their lives where they are looking for solutions that could be some of the very services both of our organizations provide!

Please look at the following video and our website: “Attention Caregiving Agencies! Help Us Help Them Hear You!


Do you know of a caregiver suffering from burnout in need of support?

If you are an Individual that knows of a caregiver suffering from Burnout in need of support, please click on the following link to see how you can Become Our Affiliate and earn $100 for every caregiver you direct our way that purchases our 4 week training courses.

Also, by doing so, you could be responsible helping save lives or preventing life threatening illnesses! This is because statistics have shown that never ending caregiving can have life threatening effects on the heath of the caregiver! of the caregiver!

So, help us End Caregiver Burnout with our New Approach to Caregiving!